The Cybergenica Blog

When God Closes A Door, Just Walk Away

I’ve had my shares of doors I strongly believe were closed by the mighty hand of God. What about you?

What’s funny about this communique is the fact I could very well be the clown in this story…

Daniel St.Pierre behind closed doorAs recently as a few hours ago, I witneseds the magnificence of Yahweh’s presence in a joint venture I should never have pursued beyond exploration, in spite of it being rooted within a common Christian faith. At first glance, the prospect seemed harmless, and the venture appeared very promising.

I Truly Felt, and Continue to Feel Blessed by the Experience

It all began when the potential client solicited me for Internet marketing services. I receive far too many “I wish I could afford you” emails yet I strive to entertain and respectfully reply to as many requests or venture interests God sends my way.

This seemed like a glorious opportunity.

For the sake of the story let’s refer to the guy as Bozo, as in, you guessed, Bozo the clown.

About a month ago, Bozo emailed me his vision to have me run his Internet Marketing department.

So, Bozo starts out by whining over the fact he can’t afford me. That’s seldom a good sign. But this time, it felt like a channel by which to be a blessing, even though this happened during an unexpectedly busy holiday season. And it stirred up pity in me. And humility. Who am-I to not accept the wages offered onto me? And from an honorable man?

Bozo mentioned the fulfillment of God’s will and that he felt led to contact me, in spite of the fact he could not afford me, though a trespass against the word of God, it all turned out to be a blessing after all.

We were meant to meet, Virtually.

I had need based pity on a man I didn’t know, that came off the virtual street into my e-store, and I got burnt, again.

I ignored the fact Bozo came across as a used car salesman from Vegas, promoting himself as a “sin city” icon, but only God knows where this clown truly resides.

I invested a fair amount of time in this profit sharing venture, even though I had zero expectation other than glory to God. I get many of these “wealth building” endeavors, I was hoping this JV would be different. I also had a feeling there would be little if any profit to share seeing how opulence and luxury were at the forefront of Bozo’s image, contradictory to our Lord’s humble character.

What became obvious very quickly in this endeavor is when I was faced with photographs I found, well slightly offensive to tell you the truth. But that’s me, I’m easily offended nowadays.

Then came more disturbing revelations, some by reputation, some by production, never the less to me, offensive material I would not want my children to see, or the caliber of Internet and social media presence I could not bring up in fellowship since it promoted sin, not enlightenment nor glory to God.

Each task I took on with Bozo led to disappointment, weight down by sin, greed and deception. It became clear this road was not leading me closer to God, but away from Him.

Clown Holding Hand Gun, .357 Magnum, RevolverI could go on and completely expose the freakish, hand gun owning clown but why? What good would come of such a truth inspired endeavor?

I wonder.

This time, Bozo has no name.

That’s right! Given the fact Bozo owns a .357 magnum revolver, and knows where I live, why mention a name? Just to further ruin him? Perhaps me as well? I feel no need to add to the fire he worked so hard to create, now forced to ween out of his prideful, divided life.

When God closes a door, just walk away. So, I shall.

I’ll count this venture as works, in His name, for His glory. I’m grateful the troubling stench of evil is out of my life, if anything for a short while, until another clown intelligently plays the faith and pity cards. I praise God I’m back in my bubble, safe from Bozo and his .357 (this is a scary dudeĀ  we’re talking about here).

I find joy in believing it was God’s plan for us to NOT work together but go our separate ways, as the apostle Paul and fellow missionary Barnabas.

It’s unfortunate not all endeavors in the name of God will bear a harvest for us to enjoy. Though I am saddened by the fact Bozo and I could not glorify our Lord together, I joyfully surrender to our divine creator’s will, knowing His plan is perfect.

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